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“Your Ten P’s in a Pod should be required reading. I still count it among one of the handful of most important books I have ever read.” Andrée Seu Peterson, World Magazine Columnist
“We have so enjoyed your print book and the audio version that we play several times a year in the car.” Jill S.
New Paperback and Audible Version Now Available! Now you can listen to Ten P’s in a Pod via Audible.com. Just click the picture to the left to purchase. There’s also a new paperback version available. Click the picture to the right to purchase. The printed version includes illustrations by my then-14-year-old brother, Peter (see right below).
Ten P’s in Pod shares our family’s adventures in my younger years as recorded in my journals I kept as a teenager. Our unconventional path would become what some have called “the first modern home school family.” In the early 1950s, my father, Arnold Pent, Jr., and his wife Persis took their eight children out of public schools and began a million-mile journey throughout the US and Canada. Along the way, we presented our gospel message in churches, schools, and wherever we had an opportunity.
Central to our family’s daily practice was in-depth Bible reading, study, and memorization. Our public programs featured music, preaching, scripture recitation, and always encouraged families to read the Bible together. Those interested in home education, family discipleship, and evangelism will find it an encouraging story.
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Welcome to the continuation of the Ten P’s in a Pod saga. The most frequently asked question by those who read the book is, “What happened to the children? Did any of them rebel? How did this type of life affect them as they grew up?”
Of course, I am just one out of the eight children, and each of my siblings has varied stories and impressions of their experiences. They have each been interviewed in the last few years and shared their own thoughts on our upbringing. If you have an interest in hearing them, just subscribe to my email list here, and I’ll send you a link to the free audio production called The Good Soil. We produced this a few years ago when I requested my eldest son Jeremiah travel around to each member of the family, interview them, and compile excerpts from their thoughts.
My goal in writing a blog is to share the numerous blessings I see emanating from both those early years and the continued practice of daily reading of the Scriptures.
Over time I will share my own personal insights from my life as it has unfolded. As you can imagine, after being married to my wife Esther for 48 years now, seeing the joy of four children now as adults, being blessed by three Godly Christian girls married to our three sons, the blessing of nine grandchildren, and, on the horizon, a Godly son-in-law who has asked for the hand of our daughter in marriage, there is much which can be shared from both hardships, blessings, and mistakes which we have made. My prayer is that my thoughts will provide you with wisdom and valuable insight.
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